Sell subscription in Point of Sale

  1. Open or create the person who will be paying for the subscription:

Click to expand
  1. Choose a subscription product from the menu to the right

    1. If the person already has a subscription that matches the one you want to sell, BRP will now ask if you want to debit the next interval on the existing subscription or create a new one

  2. Now you will be shown the dialogue to "Create subscription". Make sure the information is correct > Click on "Next"

    1. Change the subscription user if it's not the same person as the payer

  1. If it is a direct debit subscription, you will now be asked for the information needed to create a direct debit authorization:

  1. After clicking Next, you will have to confirm the time period for the first debit. Once confirming, the subscription will be created and the first debit will be added to the receipt row in Point of Sale, so you can recieve payment from the customer immediately.

Click here to learn more about selling a subscription in Point of Sale.

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