Create and use a coupon code

Note! To administrate coupon codes, your role needs the "Coupons" right. Contact your supervisor if you don't have this right and need it added to your role

Create a coupon code

  1. Go to Configuration > Products > Coupons

  2. Click on + (plus sign) to create a new one
Click to expand
  1. Enter a name to the coupon. The name will be the actual code needed by your customers to be added in the web/app

  2. Enter how much percentage the coupon code should discount the price. This must be an integer

  3. If the coupon code should only be valid between specific dates, add a start and end date

  4. Mark the "Valid for standard price list" box or enter specific price lists to which this coupon code should apply

    1. Even if a price list is already discounted, it will still be possible to add a coupon code as long as the coupon code is added to the product. The coupon code can therefore (practically) be combined with other discounts

    2. If you haven't checked the "Valid for standard price list", it will not be possible to add the coupon code to a customer who doesn't have the price added to the coupon code

  5. Click on "OK"

Attach coupon code to a product

After creating a coupon code, you need to attach it to the selected products

  1. Go to Configuration > Products > Products

  2. Find the product

  3. Mark the product > Click on "Attach coupon"
Click to expand
  1. Select your coupon code from the list

  2. Click on "Complete"

To check if a coupon code is attached to a product, click on the specific product in Configuration > Click on the "Price" tab

Delete a coupon code

  1. Go to Configuration > Products > Coupons

  2. Mark the coupon you want to delete and click on the trash can icon
Click to expand

Note! If you delete a coupon code this way, it will be removed from all products it is attached to

Remove a coupon code from a specific product

Follow the steps below if you want to remove a coupon code from a specific product without removing it from all products it is attached to

  1. Go to Configuration > Products > Products

  2. Find the product

  3. Mark the product > Click on "Remove coupon"
Click to expand
  1. Select the coupon code from the list

  2. Click on "Complete"

Apply a coupon code in Point of Sale

  1. Select a product as usual

  2. Click on the three dots above the receipt row > Click on "Choose coupons"
  1. Mark the coupon code you want to apply > Click on "Select"
  1. The discount is now calculated according to the percentage selected for the discount code and the new price is displayed on the receipt:

When a coupon code is applied to a subscription, it is always valid on the first debit and for as long as the price warranty of the subscription product lasts

Apply a coupon code in the web/app

When a product is added to the cart, it is possible to add a coupon code in the last step (payment confirmation)

  1. Click on "Have a coupon code? Add it here"
Click to expand
  1. Enter the coupon code (the name of the coupon) > Click on "Add"
  1. The discount is now calculated according to the percentage selected for the discount code and the new price is displayed on the receipt:

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