Request payment certificate in webb/app

Note! To allow your customers to generate a payment certificate in the webb/app you need to activate the setting enableCreatePaymentCertificateAPI3. You also need to create the message template Letter for email delivery of payment certificate. See the article below about message templates:

Create or change message templates

It is only possible to create payment certificates for active subscriptions.


  1. Click on your name in the upper right corner > My pages

  2. Click on "My subscriptions"

  3. Click on the three dots next to the active subscription

  4. Click on "Create payment certificate"
Click to expand
  1. A new dialogue will be opened where you select the date range for the payment certificate.

  2. Click on "Request certificate"
  1. The payment certificate will be sent to the email specified on your profile


  1. Click on "Profile" in the lower right corner

  2. Click on "My subscriptions"

  3. Click on the three dots next to the active subscription

  4. Click on "Create payment certificate"

  5. A new dialogue will be opened where you select the date range for the payment certificate.

  6. Click on "Request certificate"

  7. The payment certificate will be sent to the email specified on your profile

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