Mass change of price on existing subscriptions

Follow this guide if you have many subscriptions that you need to update the price of.

  1. Go to Back Office > Subscriptions > Subscriptions

  2. Search for the subscriptions for which you want to change the price. Here you can use "Advanced selection" on both users and subscriptions to pick out the people who should have the new price.

  3. Select the people and click "Change selected rows" > "Change price"
Click to expand

A new window will open. There you fill in the new price and the date the price change takes effect. If you check the "Ignore price guarantee" box, the price will change even if the customer's subscription has a price guarantee that extends beyond the date you set for the price change. If you instead leave "Ignore price guarantee" unchecked, the customer will receive the new price as soon as the price guarantee date has passed.

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